Super Glue Broken Acrylic Nail: How To Do It

Broken acrylic nails can be an unpleasant and embarrassing experience, especially when they happen at the most inconvenient times. However, with the proper technique, you can quickly repair broken acrylic nails at home with super glue. This method is a quick and effective way to save your nails until you can see a professional manicurist for a more permanent repair.

These steps will guide you through the repair process—an acrylic nail broken with super glue. Whether a small scratch or a more significant break, this method will help restore your nails to their original condition without much hassle. Plus, we’ll give tips on removing super glue from your skin, preventing future acrylic nail breakage, and answering frequently asked questions about nail repair. With this guide, you can confidently repair broken acrylic nails at home, saving you time and money.

Materials Needed

Gathering all the necessary materials before you begin repairing your broken acrylic nail. Here’s what you’ll need:

Super glue

Choose a safe, high-quality cyanoacrylate-based glue for intense and long-lasting nail adhesion. Read the label to ensure the adhesive is formulated for nail application to avoid any potential damage or irritation.

Nail file

Use a fine-grit nail file to smooth and shape a repaired nail. Gently shape the nail, smoothing rough edges. This prevents snagging and gives your nails a neat, professional look.

Nail buffer

A nail buffer will help blend the repaired area with the rest of the nail, creating a seamless finish.

Nail polish (optional)

Enhance the look of your repaired nails and complete your perfect manicure by applying nail polish. This way, your nails will match the rest of your beautifully painted nails.

Acetone (optional)

If you have any excess glue on your skin or surrounding areas, you can use acetone to remove it effectively.

Step-by-step instructions

Repairing broken acrylic nails with super glue is a simple process. Follow these steps to restore your nails to their original condition:

Clean the Nail

Start by cleaning the broken nail and surrounding area with nail polish remover gentle hands or alcohol pads. Ensuring better adhesion of the super glue will eliminate any dirt, oil, or residue.

Prepare the Broken Nail

If you have a nail that is broken or damaged, you can use a nail file to rub the affected area and fix it gently. Doing so will create a coarse surface that will facilitate better adhesion of the superglue. However, be careful not to file excessively, as this might weaken the nail.

Apply the Super Glue

To fix a broken nail, apply a little superglue to the affected area using the suitable applicator. Be careful not to use too much glue.

Press and Hold

Press the broken nail together firmly, holding it in place for at least 30 seconds to ensure a secure bond. If there is any excess glue that has squeezed out from the sides of the nail, make sure to wipe it away.

Trim and Shape

After the glue has thoroughly dried, use nail scissors or a nail clipper to trim any extra length from the nail that was repaired. Then, use a fine-grit nail file to shape the nail and eliminate jagged edges. Lastly, buff the nail so the repaired area blends with the rest of the nail.

Tips and warnings

Repairing broken acrylic nails with super glue can be a simple and effective solution, but you need to keep the following tips and warnings in mind:


Use a High-Quality Super Glue

Choose a cyanoacrylate-based superglue specifically formulated for use on nails. These adhesives are formulated to establish a robust attachment without causing any harm to the nails.

Work Quickly and Precisely

Super glue dries very quickly, so practical application is necessary. Apply a small, controlled amount of glue and press firmly onto the broken nail for at least thirty (30) seconds to ensure a secure bond.

Buff the Nail Surface

Before applying super glue, lightly polish the surface of broken nails with a nail file. This will create a rough texture, helping the glue adhere more effectively.

Trim Excess Glue Carefully

If too much glue comes out from the sides of the nail while repairing, it should be removed. To remove it, you can use a cotton swab soaked in acetone. However, be cautious not to get acetone on the other nails as it can stain the nail polish.

Apply Nail Polish (Optional)

Let the glue dry before applying matching nail polish evenly on the repaired nail. Let the polish dry before doing anything else.


Avoid Contact with Skin and Eyes

Super glue can bond skin and nails together very quickly. Avoid contact with your skin or eyes during the repair process. If you happen to get glue on your skin, washing it off immediately with soap and water is essential. This will help to prevent any irritation or damage to your skin. Avoid harsh chemicals or sharp objects, and seek medical attention if needed.

Don’t Overuse Super Glue

Although superglue can be an effective short-term solution for repairing nail breaks, it is essential to rely on it sparingly. Using super glue too often can weaken the nail and make it more likely to break in the future.

Seek Professional Help for Severe Damage

If the acrylic layer of your nails is seriously damaged or you feel pain or discomfort. During the repair process, it is best to seek the help of a professional. If you have damaged nails, it’s better to consult a nail technician who can assess the extent of the damage and offer a more permanent solution.

Removing Superglue From Skin


Acetone is considered one of the most effective ways to remove superglue from the skin. Soak a cotton pad or pad with acetone-based nail polish remover and dab gently on the affected area. Let the acetone soak into the glue for a few minutes, then carefully remove the glue from the skin. Repeat the process as necessary until the glue is completely removed.

Warm, Soapy Water

Dip and soak the affected area in warm, soapy water for a few minutes to soften the glue, then gently rub it away with your fingers or a soft cloth.


Vegetables, nuts, coconut oil, or olive oil can also help loosen super glue on the skin. Apply a fair amount of oil to the affected area and massage its skin. Let the oil soak into the glue for a few minutes, then gently remove the glue from the skin.

Pumice Stone or Emery Board

If the glue has dried and hardened on the skin, use a pumice stone or emery board for gentle polishing. Be careful not to rub too vigorously, which may cause skin irritation.

Seek Medical Advice

If you cannot remove the super glue from your skin using these methods or experience any pain, irritation, or redness, seek medical advice. A healthcare professional can assist further and ensure the glue is safely removed from your skin.

How to Prevent Acrylic Nails from Breaking

While repairing broken acrylic nails is a quick fix, preventing them from breaking in the first place is the best approach. Here are some tips to help keep your acrylic nails solid and intact:

Avoid Excessive Pressure

Acrylic nails are solid but can still break under too much pressure. Avoid using nails as tools, and be careful with activities that may put pressure on them, such as opening boxes or peeling off stickers.

Keep Nails Well-Manicured

Regular maintenance is essential to prevent acrylic nails from peeling. See your nail technician every 2 to 3 weeks for fillings and repairs to keep your nails in top condition.

Protect Nails with Gloves

Wear gloves while working at home or in any activity involving water, chemicals, or abrasive materials to protect your acrylic nails from damage.

Be Gentle with Your Nails

Take care of your acrylic nails. Please avoid scratching or using them to scratch or scrape surfaces, as this can weaken the nails and make them more likely to break.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Certain chemicals, such as water acetone-based nail polish remover, can weaken acrylic nails over time. Choose an acetone-free nail polish remover and gently remove the nail polish to minimize damage.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

To improve nail health, eat a diet rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium and biotin. Consider taking supplements to support nail health.

Moisturize Regularly

Moisturize your nails and cuticles daily with cuticle oil or hand cream to prevent them from becoming dry and brittle. This helps maintain healthy and strong nails.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are answers to some common questions about repairing broken acrylic nails and maintaining nail health:

Can I use regular super glue to fix a broken acrylic nail?

No, use cyanoacrylate-based superglue instead of regular superglue to repair acrylic nails. This type of adhesive is designed explicitly for nails and creates a strong bond without damaging them.

How long will the repaired nail last?

The longevity of a repaired acrylic nail depends on the damage’s extent and the repair’s quality. If the repair is done correctly, the acrylic nail should last until your next appointment with the nail technician.

Can I still get my nails wet after repairing a broken acrylic nail?

You can still get wet nails after repairing a broken acrylic nail. However, you should wear gloves to protect the repaired nail during prolonged water exposure, such as washing dishes or swimming.

Will the repaired nail look the same as the rest of my manicure?

The repaired nail will blend perfectly with your nails with proper care and maintenance. You can hide the repair further by painting the repaired nail with nail polish to match the rest of the nail.

How can I prevent acrylic nails from breaking in the future?

To prevent acrylic nails from breaking, avoid putting undue pressure on them, keep them well-groomed, wear gloves when doing housework, avoid harsh chemicals, maintain a healthy diet, and moisturize them regularly.

What should I do if my acrylic nail breaks again?

If your acrylic nails break again, you can follow the same steps to fix it with super glue. However, if the damage is severe or you feel pain or discomfort, it’s best to seek help from a nail technician.

Seek Professional Help

While repairing broken acrylic nails at home can be a practical solution, sometimes it’s best to seek professional help, especially in cases where the nail is more seriously damaged. Here’s when you should consider seeing a nail technician:

Severe damage

If your acrylic nails are severely damaged, such as deep cracks, or if a large portion of the nail is missing, it is best to consult a professional help. A nail technician can assess the extent of the damage and recommend a more permanent solution, such as replacing the entire nail or applying a new set of acrylic polishes.

Pain or discomfort

If you feel pain or discomfort during the nail repair process, this is a sign that something is wrong. Stop the repair process immediately and consult a nail technician for help. They can evaluate the situation and provide treatment to ensure your nails heal properly.

Repeated breakage

If your acrylic nails continue to break or you constantly have to fix them, it could be a sign that something is wrong. A nail technician can assess the health of your nails and provide recommendations for preventing future breakage.

Professional Maintenance

Even if you’re comfortable fixing minor nail issues at home, visiting a nail technician regularly for maintenance and upkeep is essential. They can fill gaps or cracks, trim and shape your nails, and ensure they remain healthy and strong.


Repairing a broken acrylic nail at home can quickly and effectively keep your manicure looking its best. Whether you use super glue or a nail repair kit, the process is relatively straightforward and can save you time and money. However, it’s essential to prioritize nail health and safety throughout the repair process.

Following the step-by-step guide in this article and the tips and warnings provided, you can safely and effectively fix your broken acrylic nail at home. Remember to seek professional help if you experience any pain or discomfort during the repair process or if the damage is severe.

Maintaining regular nail care and seeking professional advice will help ensure your acrylic nails remain strong, healthy, and beautiful. With the correct technique and proper maintenance, you can achieve stunning nails that will make you look amazing.

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